Blogger and radio talk show celebrity Taylor Marsh reported on her blog earlier today that Hillary Clinton had released her delegates:
If reporting or word comes in to change what I learned this morning I will post on it. Otherwise, the message is clear: Clinton is throwing her full support behind Barack Obama, which includes asking her delegates to support him as well. If you don't like the word "release," well, pick another one. It's a technicality in the political world right now.
However, in a conference call last night with delegates, Harold Ickes said that there are historical precedents for Clinton not to release delegates:
So what's the difference between Hillary Clinton's urging her delegates to support Barack Obama on one hand and formally releasing them on the other?
On last night's conference call, Clinton advisor Harold Ickes explained to the delegates that historical precedence did not call upon Clinton to do so. There are other reasons related to DNC rules. In theory, states could reslate their delegations and deprive Clinton delegates of their convention experience. And more parochially, an audience full of Clinton delegates ensures that when -- not if, but when -- Clinton speaks at the convention, she'll be cheered. Another argument, I suppose, would be that the delegation ought to reflect the primary results for the sake of the historical record.
As for what may come, it is clear that much is up in the air. Senator Clinton is NOT releasing her delegates.
Senator Clinton does remain firm in her conviction that it is best for the country and best for her politically to have a Democrat in the White House. She will act on that conviction. Furthermore, she will campaign for downstream Democrats who supported her during the primary season. Of these measures, all I can say is that I would expect nothing less from a person of Senator Clinton's integrity, grace, and loyalty.
While I respect Taylor Marsh for hosting a safe "home" to Clinton supporters who were verbally assaulted at other online blog sites and forums during the primaries, publishing information about Clinton's delegates led to day-long inaccurate reports all across the Internet about the status of her delegates.
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